REAPS produces several publications on an ongoing basis.
Click on the link for each publication to view in PDF format. Also, submissions are welcome for all three publications and can be e-mailed to

Reaps Report: Reaps Report is published six times a year. It focuses on waste reduction, environmental issues and the 3Rs. It also features sections such as REAPS News, Local News, Around BC, Around the World, Tip of the Month, Recycle Craft, Coming Events, Web Pick of the Month, and Book of the Month.

Castings: Castings deals with worms in our environment and helps to support our Adopt-a-Worm Program. All the information is aimed at younger readers and pertains to worm health, worm composting, worm anatomy, worm jokes, and worm types etc.

REAPS Reader: REAPS Reader is the back page of Castings. It is a source of information on local events, how to help the environment, challenges that people and animals face etc. targeted at younger audiences.

Greening Your Office: Greening Your Office supplies businesses and companies with monthly innovative, simple green tips for your office.